We are members of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting or NICEIC for short. This means that all the work we undertake is automatically notified to the authorities where required under Part P of the building regulations.
Other advantages of using a company which is registered is that there is someone to talk to if it all goes wrong. If you choose to use a contractor who is not registered with a body to undertake work for you and things start to go wrong; you have nowhere to go with your concerns. If you were to instruct a second electrical contractor to “finish the job” this usually results in quite a lot more expense in putting the existing work right.
However if you choose an NICEIC registered company like us to do the work, you can get the NICEICE company to visit and inspect the work done by us, and if they find ANYTHING wrong it has to be put right at the expense of the electrical contractor.
Our company has been inspected by NICEIC for years and we always pass their very high criteria for membership. Which allows us to use their logo’s on all our publications and literature. Are grading is “Approved Contractor” which entitles us to perform Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR) formally known as Periodic Inspection Report (PIR) they are sometimes referred to as land lord certificates.
The NICEIC also offer a product they call the platinum promise more details can be found here
They can be reached via;NICEIC Head Office
Warwick House
Houghton Hall Park
Houghton Regis
Dunstable LU5 5ZX
Tel: 0333 015 6625